The Building Blocks of a Best of Breed Loyalty Lifecycle Marketing Strategy
By Richard Schenker When designing a loyalty program, many brands do not afford sufficient priority and resources to building a highly impactful Loyalty Lifecycle Marketing Strategy. While in the throes of the development of a loyalty program, brands tend to be overly preoccupied with devising the mechanics of a loyalty …

Author Talks: Howard Friedman on Getting the Most From Your Data Science Team
We all know the best decisions are data driven. So why are so few leaders making good use of their analytics teams? In this edition of Author Talks, a series from McKinsey Global Publishing, Ron Nurwisah chats with Howard Friedman — a data scientist, health economist, and adjunct professor of …

EY Future Consumer Index: When Talk Turns Into Action, Be Set For Change
By Kristina Rogers Climate change is becoming a growing reality for people around the world and disrupting ingrained consumption habits. Many consumers have already been forced to change how they live and what they buy because of the impact of climate change, according to EY global research. People are increasingly …

Critical Trends Driving Brand Growth in 2024 and Beyond
By Emmanuel Probst We examine how brands will make positive contributions to our lives and the world around us in 2024. Looking forward to 2024, the world continues to change in ways that are worrisome for most of us, with global conflicts, inflation, climate change and the adoption of artificial …

New Research: In Sales and Marketing Conversations, Timing is Everything
New research from York University’s Schulich School of Business shows that, when it comes to sales, service, and marketing communications, it’s not just what you say that matters — but just as importantly — when you say it. The findings are contained in the article “When Language Matters”, published in …

Insights on Data-Driven Retail Media in Canada
By Victoria Cromie In recent years, we’ve seen a surge in retail media ad spending in Canada, with the latest projections suggesting that budgets will exceed the CAD$3 billion mark in 2024 according to IAB Canada. With these budgets nearly doubling in just three years, we believe the time is …

Train Frontline Employees and Automated Marketing Systems
When different communication styles matter By Grant Packard Over the last few years, sophisticated technologies and methods for analyzing language at massive scales have helped researchers shed new light on the importance of language in marketing settings. The conclusion? Seemingly insignificant choices about the words marketers use, and when they …