OTTAWA – Canada Post has informed the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) that what our employees and our customers need is long-term certainty in the postal system. Therefore, we are fully prepared to negotiate intensively for the next 30 days under an extended “cooling off period” to reach negotiated settlements. However, if the parties are unable to successfully conclude negotiations within that period, both parties must agree to binding arbitration.

Canada Post and the union have been in discussions since late 2015, with 60 days of conciliation and almost 30 more days with federal mediators, yet the parties remain far apart on key issues. The impasse has caused tremendous uncertainty, which is having a major impact on the business, our customers and our employees.

Our employees are coming to work to find the amount of mail and parcels they process and deliver has dropped significantly. Parcel volumes from our major e-commerce customers have declined by more than 80 per cent

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. Yesterday alone, the amount of mail deposited across our network was down more than 80 per cent compared with the same day last year.

A short-term extension, as proposed by the union, with the continued threat of a work disruption will not reverse this severe decline. What Canada Post has put forward is a reasonable approach that will end the uncertainty immediately and allow for meaningful discussions at the bargaining tables.

The Corporation is committed to reaching settlements that are affordable and reasonable.

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Postal workers call for one-month cooling-off period, “intensive negotiations”

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