2025 Loyalty & Rewards ForumBy submitting this form you are reserving a place at the 2025 Loyalty & Rewards Forum at the OBA Conference Centre, 20 Toronto St, Toronto. Seats are limited by the OBA Conference Centre space availability. By submitting this form you are reserving a seat(s) on March 21, 2025. ON. Send up to 3 people for this key event. Once registered, you will receive confirmation and additional details to help you maximize your experience at our event. (Substitutions for attending are permitted up to March 19th.) Please list your key contact as Delegate 1. This is for communication purposes re: fee payment, final agenda, updates, etc. Thank you. Registration Fees (Includes breakfast, lunch, refreshments, handouts, etc.) Single Delegate: $595.00 Dual Delegates: $995.00 (Rate is for two delegates from the same organization.) Group Delegate Rate: $1295.00 (Rate for 3 individual delegates from the same organization). Each additional delegate to 5 is $200.00 pp. More than 5 delegates? Email Steve Lloyd for rate options. * = Required Fields . Please be sure you indicate your payment preferences at the end of the form. You should also receive a confirmation of your registration and receipt for payment within a day. * = Required Fields0Delegate Options*How Many?Single DelegateDual DelegatesGroup DelegationMore (please contact me)1Delegate(s) Details2Delegate #1*full name3Title*4Email*a valid email address5Delegate #2*full name6Title*7Email*a valid email address8Delegate #3*full name9Title*10Email*a valid email address11Delegate #4*full name12Title*13Email 4*a valid email address14Delegate #5*full name15Title*16Email*a valid email address17Company*18Address*19Address*20City*21Province*22Postal Code*23Phone*24Website*25Registration Fees & Payment Options26Rates include breakfast, luncheon, refreshments, handouts and giveaways. Registration Fees Single Delegate: $595.00 Dual Delegates: $995.00 (Rate is for two delegates from the same organization.) Group Delegate Rate: $1295.00 (Rate for 3 individual delegates from the same organization). Each additional delegate to 5 is $200 pp More than 5 delegates? Email Steve Lloyd steve@dmn.ca for rate options.27Association Members*Indicate OrganizationCanadian Marketing AssociationAMA Toronto ChapterICAACACIRC28Payment Options*Please IndicateChequeCredit Card (below)Credit Card (contact me for billing)InteracEFT29Card Number*Visa/MC/AMEX30Cardholder Name*As on card31Exp Date*MM/YY32CVV*From Back of Card33Information Request34I am also interested in more information on:*Advertising in DM MagazineSponsoring DM Magazine Events, including special Breakfast BriefingsPromoting my company at DM Magazine EventsOther marketing opportunities35Submit36