
7 Proven Marketing Tactics You Need to Know

Analytics and Creative are not mutually exclusive. In fact some of the most compelling and award-winning campaigns are based on either a strong data insight or a unique way to target and reach your best customers. In this session we’ll cover case studies that leverage data to create a breakthough marketing campaign and the neuromarketing effect of combining media to put your acquisition efforts into high gear

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Join us November 23, to learn how you can ignite your marketing campaigns from the insights you will gain by attending.

November 23, 2017
7:30 – 10 a.m.
The National Club
303 Bay St., Toronto, ON

You must be registered in advance to attend. To register more than 5 individuals, please send an email to and request the details.


Lindsay Bentley
Marketing Manager, Commercial,
Canada Post

Lyndsey Bishop
Marketing Manager, Enterprise,
Canada Post