TORONTO — Square Feedback is now available to Canadian businesses, turning digital receipts into a powerful communication channel between buyers and sellers. All Square sellers are now able to receive feedback directly from their customers through their digital receipt. A seller’s ability to know what customers think in real time can help keep customers happy and returning. Through Square Feedback, customer issues can be privately surfaced and immediately resolved, protecting a local business’s reputation from negative comments online or through word of mouth.

“We know that Canadian buyers more often than not open and review their Square digital receipts,” said Cathy Vigrass, Square’s head of Canada. “By turning that existing buyer engagement into an actionable communications tool, we can help our sellers take customer service to the next level, which is critical to their success.”

Square powers millions of digital receipts by email and text message every year in Canada. This new customer feedback tool is free and built into Square’s digital receipts as part of Square’s latest Point of Sale app.

Here’s how Square Feedback works:

  • Customers who make purchases from a Square seller can choose to receive their receipt via email or text.
  • Right from the receipt, a customer can answer the question “How was your experience?” with the tap of a button that best reflects their experience — they can select satisfied (smiley face) or dissatisfied (frowny face), give details and decide whether to start a conversation with the business.
  • Square sellers receive an email alert when a customer leaves a comment. If a customer chooses to receive a response from the seller, the seller can respond directly via the Square Dashboard to ask follow-up questions and correct mistakes or misunderstandings.
  • Sellers can manage customer feedback in their Square Dashboard and check it from anywhere in real time.

“In the age of Yelp and TripAdvisor, all businesses get online reviews from customers,” says Andrew McWilliam, Square seller and business owner of Ratio Coffee & Pastry in Vernon, British Columbia

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. “To directly take care of customer concerns through receipts and either issue a refund or send a coupon for a free beverage is powerful. It’s another level of engagement not offered on other platforms we have used so far.”

More information about Square Feedback can be found at

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